(published Letter to Editor Globe and Mail newspaper)
As founder of the pioneer aspartame awareness campaign, Aspartame Consumer Safety Network, in 1987, and having qualified in Court as a Medical Expert Witness, I've worked as an unpaid volunteer, collecting over 10,000 Aspartame Adverse Reaction Reports from all corners of the world. A hefty percentage of these Adverse Reactions were from diabetics who could not control their blood sugar levels while depending on aspartame sweeteners for their substitute sugar. When following our specific advice to cease all use of aspartame for 4 to 6 weeks, the blood sugar levels miraculously return to normal levels.
Our advice prompted one diabetic friend to test herself. When her blood sugar levels were well within normal range, according to the finger stick test, she proceeded to drink 3 Diet Sodas, one right after another. Upon repeating the finger stick test approximately 1 hr. after the 3rd Diet Drink, she found her blood sugar levels to be extremely elevated. This was in the late eighties or early nineties and this self testing method has been our recommendation for diabetics ever since that time. By the way, this is independent of a high carb meal, so carbs seemed to play no part in this particular test.
When my co-founder, Jas. Turner, Esq. and I gave testimony at the Senate Hearing in Washington, D.C., we met with Turner's ex-boss, Ralph Nader. after the Hearings. He told us at that time, aspartame served to heighten consumer's addiction to 'sweet taste,' attempting to 'trick the pancreas' in the process. He believed that to be the cause of loss of control of blood sugar levels in diabetics and non-diabetics alike. In the case of the new aspartame-clone, Neotame, the sweet taste is 13,000 times the power of sweetness of table sugar.
If readers wish more information on the sweetener, I invite them to visit our official Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot Hotline website: www.aspartamesafety.com.
Thank you for your kind consideration of our 25 year research findings regarding all aspects of the harmful effects associated with use of aspartame/Neotame artificial sweeteners. We work with top researchers and scientists all over the globe to better understand the issue and to disseminate our combined findings, regarding the many reported Adverse Reactions to aspartame sweeteners.
Mary Nash Stoddard, Founder
Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot Hotline [1987-present]
Dallas, Texas USA